Broncos Football Cheerleading

About Us
Montville Broncos Cheerleading is an energetic and exciting program that teaches the importance of teamwork; while incorporating dance, gymnastics, stunting, and strength building.
The cheer program is open to cheerleaders in grades 1 through 8 that reside in Montville Township. Cheerleaders cheer at all Montville Broncos Football games.

Directors Corner
We have a record number of cheerleaders this season with a total of 148 girls across 8 teams. Each weekend, you can find our cheerleaders on the football field sidelines, rooting for our Bronco teams and performing their routines at halftime.
Bronco cheerleaders were seen wearing gold bows during the month of September in support of Gracie’s Army, bringing awareness to childhood cancer. For October, the girls are sporting their pink socks for breast cancer awareness month. Pink sweatshirts are available to order - visit us at the snack shed at Camp Dawson or email
Registration for the 2025 season will begin in June - follow the Bronco Sports News or Broncos Cheer pages on Facebook for updates and information.